Salvation 101

Chapter 7

So What Do I Do?

(illustration: I'm a believer!)


Believe in Jesus!

That's what you do!

Put your trust in Jesus and you will live with Him forever!

The Bible says it best (you see some guy holding up this sign at football games and baseball games and all over the place!). It’s from John 3:16;

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

How do you get to heaven?

Believe in Jesus.

Well, repent and believe!

Ask God for forgiveness for all the things you have done wrong going your own way ("repent" means to turn around) and turn back to God. Remember, heaven isn't really a place. Heaven is being with God. That's where you will find everything your heart truly wants.

And then put your trust in Jesus.

And God promises that when you do that, He will do an amazing thing in you. He will put a new spirit in you - you will be reborn! Your body is still going to die one day, but because your spirit has been reborn, you will live with God forever. HEAVEN!

Ice cream and cake every day!

Well.... maybe not. But it will be even MORE AMAZING than that!!!

(In fact, the Bible says it is going to be SO amazing, we can't even imagine it!)

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