Salvation 101

Chapter 6

The Answer!

(Illustration: Jesus!)

Do you know how much God LOVES you?!

Jesus paid it all.

Jesus paid our debt in full!

When Jesus died on a cross 2,000 years ago, he paid the debt we owe for our sin.

Jesus gave his life so that we could live forever.

The whole reason God made the world in the first place is because He loves us. Every day is a gift of God's love! But God knew that even though He loves us SO much, God knew that we would sin.

And God knew all the terrible things our sin would bring into the world.

But God still loves us!

So even before God put the first star in the sky, God knew what is was going to cost to make things right. God knew the ONLY price that would cover the cost of the sin of the world would be the life of His only Son.

So when the time was right, Jesus came to earth to pay the price we owe for our sin. Jesus gave His life to make things right.

The day that Jesus died on the cross, the debt you owed for your sin was paid.

Jesus gave His life to wash away your sins.

Here is the amazing thing...

How much you pay for something says how important it is to you.

Let's say I had a puppy you wanted to buy. If I said, "it's $10!" and you said, "Nah, I don't want to pay that much!" I would know that puppy wasn't very important to you. If you said, "I will give you nickel for it!" I would really know you didn't care much about it at all, if all it was worth to you was nickel!

But if I said, "It's $100!" and you said, "I'll pay it!" I would know that puppy was important to you.

If I said, "It's $1,000!" And you said, "I will pay it!" I would know that puppy was really worth a lot to you!

But if I said, "It's a BAZILLION DOLLARS!" And you said "I will pay it!" (well, if you HAD a bazillion dollars! Where did you get a bazillion dollars??!!!) I would know that puppy was the most important thing in the world to you!

When Jesus paid the debt you owed, he paid the HIGHEST price there could ever, ever be! WAY more than even a bazillion dollars. He paid with His life.

THAT'S how much you are worth to God!!!

Jesus died for you to save your life!

Because Jesus gave his life for you, all your sin has been rightly washed away. Now God can connect you back to Him!

Jesus gave his life so you can live with him forever!

Jesus bought your "ticket to heaven"!

THAT'S how much God loves you!!!

Your Guide - follow him!
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