Salvation 101

Chapter 5

Pay Up!

(Illustration: Who? Me?)

The Sentence

Pay the debt in full.

Because God is perfectly good and fair, we owe a debt for all the hurt our sins have caused. God can't just pretend it never happened. That wouldn't be right.

And for God to be perfectly good and fair, the price we pay has to be equal to our sin.

Think of it this way.

Suppose I came over one day and broke the device you are using right now - don't worry! I would never do that! But if I did, I owe a debt to you to make things right. If I gave you a nickel, that wouldn't make it right, would it?! No! To make things right, what I owe you has to be equal to what I took from you.

But our sins have caused all the hurt there has ever been in the world!

All the hurt you hear about and see about happening in the world - that's what our sin has done.

All the hurt in the world!

How can we ever make that right? That is more than we could ever pay!!!

But the only way we can be reconnected to God is for our sin to be washed away. And the only way our sin can be washed away is if someone pays the debt we owe.

Who will pay our debt for us???

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